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Rent our Facilities

Albert College facilities are rented only to alumni, staff, former staff and community groups who have a relationship or affiliation with the school. All requests that meet the criteria must be recorded in a formal application and submitted to the Senior Leadership Team for approval. Please review the fees, policies and conditions prior to submitting a Facility Rental Request Form.

Facilities available for rent:

  • Ackerman Hall (capacity 250) – available only when school is not in session
  • Great Hall, Parrott Junior School (capacity 200)
  • Memorial Chapel (capacity 200 downstairs and 75 on the balcony)
  • Wedding Photographs – inside and outside
  • Gymnasium, Senior School – Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. only
  • Classrooms – Evenings and weekends only
  • Fields  – provided there is no conflict with athletic schedule

For further information please email or call 613-968-5726.

Terms and Conditions

The following facility rental policies and procedures apply to all events held at Albert College. However, the terms and conditions of each rental contract may vary, and the specifics defined by your Facility Rental Agreement supercede all other statements. All queries regarding rentals shall be directed through Reception at Albert College.

Please read the terms and conditions carefully:


All people using the gymnasium will be required to sign a Waiver Form as specified by Albert College prior to use of the gymnasium. The group organizer is responsible for distribution, as well as collection of the waiver forms. Completed waivers will be returned to Reception at Albert College prior to use of the facilities.

online Waiver Form    Waiver Form
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Front of Albert College Building

Facility Rental Request Form

Facility Rental
Waiver Form

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No Smoking
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on campus.

Alcohol is permitted during special events only when students are not on campus (break weekends or summer holidays). A liquor licence is required.

Parking is permitted in all lined designated parking spots. Parking is permitted on College roadways after normal business hours. However, fire lanes on the building side of the road way must be maintained at all times.