Guidance and academic counselling, including course selections for high school choices, are conducted through the Academic Office. Career choices and post-secondary guidance for students begins in Grade 10 with the Careers Studies course, and continues through Grades 11 and 12. Students are encouraged to regularly investigate post-secondary opportunities throughout their high school career and to check in with our Guidance and Academic Counsellor, as interests and possibilities change. Keeping communication open allows students to understand the options available to them.
The Guidance and Academic Counsellor works one-to-one with students in Grades 10, 11 and 12 to assist with the appropriate course selections to fulfil post-secondary requirements.
In Grade 11, students are required to work with our Guidance team to start preparing their post-secondary applications. Beginning in their Grade 11 year, students have one-to-one time with our Guidance and Academic Counsellor to research post-secondary institutions and programs, prepare preliminary applications, complete supplementary applications, accept offers of admissions, apply for residence and choose first year courses at their chosen post-secondary institution.
Post-Secondary Applications
Each year, Albert College students apply to top-ranked schools worldwide. Our Guidance team works with students and their families to ease the stress of this process. Through one-to-one meetings with students, guided workshops and information-sharing with parents, the process of applying is clearly laid out.
Students from Albert College have been accepted to top Ontario universities including the University of Toronto, Queen’s University, McMaster University, and the University of Waterloo, to Canadian schools such as McGill University, University of British Columbia, University of Alberta, Dalhousie University, and to international universities including the University of Michigan, University of Edinburgh, University of Melbourne, University of Hong Kong, La Trobe University and Lancaster University.