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Pre-Kindergarten Program at Albert College

Is your child curious and ready to learn? Albert College welcomes children aged 2.5 to 4 years old to our play- and inquiry-based program. The EPLC (Early Primary Learning Centre) is a fully licenced daycare, preparing students for Junior Kindergarten and beyond at Albert College. The EPLC is located at 28 Highland Avenue in Belleville, just a short walk from our main campus.

The Pre-Kindergarten classroom is a bright and cheerful space, where students explore active learning through play and a comprehensive, integrated curriculum of carefully planned and child-centred daily activities. Children develop skills in language, communication and problem-solving, and enjoy music instruction with a specialist teacher.  

Pre-Kindergarten Classroom

At the EPLC, students enjoy a large, private and secure yard. Children benefit from outdoor education experiences, with green space featuring a play structure, large sandbox, paved area for bikes, balls and riding toys, and lots of room to run and explore.

  • The EPLC program runs from Monday to Friday, 8:10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. during the academic year (September to June) 
  • After school care is available until 5:30 p.m. for an additional fee
  • The program is full-time, with limited part-time spaces available each year
  • Children have access to a school nurse during the day
  • Nutritious and delicious lunches and snacks are prepared daily by our food services team

At Albert College, we foster an environment where children develop a sense of belonging, where they are actively engaged in their learning, and where they can be free to express their feelings and ideas in a safe, respectful and loving environment. We see our students as strong, capable learners, and value their thoughts and questions.

Every child brings with them deep curiosity and potential and this innate curiosity drives their interest to understand their world and their place within it.  In our classroom, learning is a collaborative process, with teachers and students learning together through investigation and inquiry.                             

"The Pre-Kindergarten program is so much more than a preschool. The enthusiastic teaching staff provide vital learning and social skills through outdoor play and a friendly, comfortable, family environment. Not only did my children benefit from this, but it introduced our family to the amazing Albert College community. They enjoy outings at the 'big school' that make them feel like an important part of the school. My children enjoy home-cooked healthy snacks and lunches, and love going to school every day."

- Nicola, Pre-Kindergarten Parent

Introducing the Five 'A's 

Even at this early age, our students benefit from Albert College’s Five 'A’s – academics, arts, athletics, active citizenship and adventure.

ACADEMICS – children develop literacy skills through learning new vocabulary and researching using books and the Internet. Math skills are developed through activities like identifying patterns in nature, counting the points on a leaf or ordering branches from shortest to longest.

As fine motor skills develop, children begin to express their thoughts and ideas in words as well as pictures. ART projects using various mediums (paint, clay, music etc.) further develop creativity and self-expression.

ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP is encouraged through discussion of the importance of protecting and preserving our environment and respect for living things. Working together towards a common goal, cooperating, sharing and taking turns are important aspects in the Pre-Kindergarten setting. We develop a community of friendship, respect and caring towards each other.                                  

ATHLETIC skills (physical literacy) are developed through regular outdoor play and scheduled gym time.

Our students develop a sense of ADVENTURE through exploring our surrounding environment and going on a variety of field trips within our community. We use a KWL approach to foster adventure and curiosity:

  • What do you Know?

  • What would you like to learn? 
  • What new things have you Learned?

Our children will be confident, competent, capable learners, fully equipped for their next educational step at Albert College.                                    

Lunch Program

No more making lunches! Healthy lunch and snacks are served to students each day at the EPLC. This service is included with tuition fees, and our food services staff are attentive to a variety of food sensitivities and dietary restrictions.

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