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Purpose: Albert College is committed to providing services that are free of barriers and biases to students, parents/guardians, the public, faculty  and staff. Albert College strives to ensure that key principles of independence, dignity, integration, equality of opportunity and diversity are reflected and valued in the learning and work environments.

Albert College strives to provide an environment in all of its facilities that builds independence, dignity and respect for students, parents/guardians, the public, faculty and staff.

General: Albert College has a small constituency group and is only open to the public in a few instances per calendar year. All efforts are made to accommodate our customers on a one to one basis as each situation arises. Staff members are trained to help with any disability that may be encountered.

Albert College is made up of a series of buildings with construction dating back to 1923 and up to 2003. The most recent constructions have clear physical accessibility while the older building has received some modification over the last 15 years. As such the College has several areas that preclude a physically disabled person from access. Our Maintenance Repair and Refurbishment Plan contain several items that will enhance accessibility to the areas that have the most public use.

Definitions: The following definitions are used in describing the procedure in providing services to members of the community.

Customer is any person who applies to the College and that person's family.

Assistive device is any device used by people with disabilities to help with daily living. Assistive devices include a range of products such as wheelchairs, walkers, canes, oxygen tanks and electronic communication devices.

Service animal is an animal that is being used because of a person's disability and this is either readily apparent or is supported by a letter from a medical practitioner.

Support person is a person who assists or interprets for a person with a disability as they access the services of the school. A support person is distinct from an employee who supports a student in the system.

Third party contractor is any person or organization acting on behalf of or as an agent of the College.

Barriers to accessibility mean anything that prevents a person with a disability from fully participating in all aspects of the services of the school. Examples include a physical barrier, an architectural barrier, information or communication barrier, and attitudinal barrier, and a technological barrier.

Accommodation is a means through reasonable efforts, of preventing and removing barriers that impede individuals with disabilities from participating fully in the services of the school.

Disruption of service is any disruption to a physical service such as repairs, maintenance, replacement or removal that will require a person with a disability to seek alternate means to access a facility.

For more information or to provide feedback on this or our Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy, please contact the Chief Financial Officer by email at or by telephone at 613-968-5726.

Albert College Accessibility Policy Albert College Integrated Accessibility Standards Multi-Year Plan Accessibility COMPLIANCE REPORT