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Create Nature Art Outdoors

Nature Art (also called Land Art), is creative and fun and can be done by anyone. It involves making art and sculptures using materials that you find in nature, such as leaves, pine cones, twigs, pebbles, rocks, sand, mud and shells. You can make animals, patterns, circles, spirals and even life size outlines of you, your family and friends. Whether you are at home, at the park, in the forest or at the beach, Nature Art can be done anywhere.

What to do:

Step 1: EXPLORE. The most important part of Nature Art is having fun and exploring natural places. Make sure that you always accompanied by an adult during your explorations. If you find something you like, like a shapely rock or a pretty coloured leaf, then why not use it to create art?

Step 2: COLLECT. As you explore, gather and collect the items you want to include in your art. Remember, don’t pick any growing/living things, and tread carefully.

Step 3: WHERE are you going to create? Decide where you want to create your art; under a tree in the forest, on top of a large rock, in some fresh, untouched snow, on a picnic bench?

Step 4: CREATE. Study the materials you have collected and see what colours, sizes and shapes you have. Which things would work well together? Look closely at what you have gathered, let your imagination run free, and create, there are no rules with Nature Art!

Step 5: SHARE. Take a picture of your Nature Art and share it. You could also write about your creation or record yourself describing your art and your process. You can leave your art where it is for other people to enjoy.