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Junior School (JK-Grade 6) Remote Learning Starts January 4, 2021

Remote Learning: What to Expect

Our faculty had anticipated the possible need to pivot to a solely remote format prior to the winter holidays. As such, students were sent home with necessary workbooks and students reviewed the various platforms that they would need to use so that they can be as independent as possible while learning remotely. 

Seesaw (JK- Grade 2), Edsby (Grades 3-6), and Microsoft Teams (JK- Grade 6) provide an organized digital learning environment that will ensure not only a structured approach to the day, but also flexibility for parents, as teachers will be recording and posting lessons. Please note that we have moved to Microsoft Teams as our meeting platform as it offers greater security features. 

Remote Learning in January will look different from the emergency response in the spring, especially with regards to expectations and timetabling. As we know, children do best with as much structure as possible. Accordingly, guidelines have been created to ensure consistency and good habits such as: (a) establishing an appropriate learning space that includes a desk or table, and (b) attending virtual class in uniform. Wearing uniforms will set the tone that even though students are at home, they are actually at school.


The ABC’s of Remote Learning


Please note that attendance will be taken daily at 8:30 a.m. and again in the afternoon at the start of your child(ren)’s assigned timetable. For most families, this will be at 12:30 p.m.  Students are asked to be on time so that all instruction can take place promptly. We understand that technology glitches can occur or that other demands within a household may make attending sessions challenging. We ask that you please do your best and inform classroom teachers of any challenges you may be experiencing.


Providing some common breaks for stretches, water, snacks, and for using the bathroom will help students ensure that they are taking some time for their own wellness. There will be a daily morning “recess” break for 15 minutes at 10:00 a.m. and a lunch break from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. We are hoping that this longer break at lunch, in particular, provides additional time to encourage our students to get some fresh air and movement so that they are ready to return to learning for the afternoon.

Curriculum and Communication

It is essential that we provide programming that is meaningful and age appropriate to their developmental stages in a virtual format. As such, remote learning may look slightly different for students depending on their grade.

A timetable specific to your child(ren)’s grade(s) will be provided via Seesaw/Edsby so that you will know when various subjects and corresponding curriculum lessons will take place. 


In Conclusion

I hope that this information has helped to provide greater clarity regarding remote learning and how it will unfold in the coming days for our students. As always, we pride ourselves on strong home-school communication, so please do not hesitate to reach out to classroom teachers or the Junior Office by emailing or if you need any assistance.

We are looking forward to continuing our strong relationships with you and your child(ren) in this remote learning format as we all strive to do our part and flatten the curve. We remain optimistic that we will see each other in person on Monday, January 11, 2021. Until that time, we are excited to resume classes virtually via Microsoft Teams on Monday, January 4 at 8:30 a.m.