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After School Care

The after school care program provides Albert College students in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 6 with quality childcare. After school care is available at the Early Primary Learning Centre for students in Pre-Kindergarten and at the Junior School for students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6.  

  • Childcare arrangements are mixed activities of crafts, outdoor play, gym time, movies and quiet time.
  • Organized by Albert College staff with experience working with children.
  • Snacks are provided.
  • Runs from 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

After School Care Fees

AFTER school care FEE
Per child/per day (based on availability) $12
Per child from September to June (5 days/week) $1,720

Extended Care 

The extended care program provides Albert College students in Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 6 with quality childcare on select non-instructional days associated with scheduled school breaks and long weekends. The Pre-Kindergarten program runs out of the Early Primary Learning Centre (EPLC) and the Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 program runs out of the Junior School. 

  • Offers childcare arrangements with a mix of activities like crafts, outdoor play, gym time, quiet time and community outings.
  • Appropriate casual dress (uniform NOT required).
  • There is no meal program for students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6. Students MUST bring their own drinks, packed lunch and snacks. Personal water bottles are encouraged.
  • Children enrolled in the Pre-Kindergarten program will participate in a meal program that includes drinks, lunch and snack. Personal water bottles are encouraged.
  • Maximum number of students in the Junior School program = 25
  • Maximum number of students in the Pre-Kindergarten program = 16
  • Minimum number of students required to run Extended Care for each program = 6
  • Program runs 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Extended Care Fees

Extended Day Care operates on select non-instructional days associated with scheduled school breaks and long weekends.

Extended care fees
Per child/per day $50
Per child/per week ( 5 days) $200

For more information about our childcare services please contact

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