Albert College Welcomes New Chair of the Board
Albert College Welcomes New Chair of the Board
Albert College is pleased to welcome Belleville resident, Elizabeth Cameron, as Chair of the Albert College Board of Governors. Cameron took on the role at the recent Board of Governors Annual General Meeting held on October 2 and will work with the Board to position the school for the future by continuing to implement the 2018-23 Strategic Plan.
“I am very honoured to take on the role of Chair. Albert College and the Belleville community have been such an important part of our lives over these past few years, and I am very excited to have the opportunity to continue to serve our community in this capacity. The Albert College Board of Governors is a talented and engaged group of individuals who are well positioned to continue the excellent work of the past while setting our sights on a vision for the future.”
Cameron is currently working as a part-time Professor teaching in the Business and Human Resource programs at Loyalist College. She was Chief of Staff at the Public Service Commission of Canada in Gatineau, Quebec and is a retired Lieutenant-Colonel. She worked in Logistics as part of the Canadian Armed Forces serving in Winnipeg, Portage La Prairie, Borden, Belgium, Toronto, Trenton and Ottawa. She also served as the Military Advisor to the Governor General of Canada and was the 8 Wing Trenton Wing Administration Officer.
Cameron joined the Board of Governors at Albert College in 2015 while her three children, Aidan ’17, Emily ’19 and Ross ’21, were students attending the school. They have since graduated from the College and are all studying at Western University in the Ivey Business, Social Science and Computer Science programs respectively, leaving Elizabeth and her husband, Scott as empty nesters.
Cameron succeeds past Chair Alison Gilbert from Prince Edward County, whose tenure includes eight years on the board with two years as Chair. The College is grateful for her dedication to the school and thanks her for her service as she continues as Past Chair on the Board this year.
The Board of Governors are dedicated volunteers comprised of parents, alumni and individuals from the community. The group of members have skills and talents in areas of finance, marketing, law, entrepreneurship and education and work together to advance the vision of the school.