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Remote Learning for Grades 7-12 Begins January 4, 2021

Remote Learning for Grades 7-12 Begins January 4, 2021

Students in Grades 7 and 8 will be learning online for the week of January 4 - 8, 2021, and students in 9 through 12 will be learning remotely until January 22, 2021.

In early December, Albert College had already made the decision for students in Grades 7-12 to work remotely after the break and so students have been well prepared and know what to expect as we shift to online learning this month.

During our period of remote learning, we will follow our regular daily schedule starting with chapel each morning (except Wednesday, which is an advisor meeting day). 

 Monday, January 4, 2021 is a Day 1.

Parents and students are reminded of the importance of breaks during this period of remote learning. Between classes and over the time that we would normally break for lunch, students are encouraged to step away from their work area and take time to stretch, eat and drink, and, if possible, get outside for some fresh air and exercise - this longer break at lunch provides additional time for students to get some fresh air and movement so that they are ready to return to learning for the afternoon.

Good luck to our online learners. We look forward to seeing you again for in-person classes.