Students are required to attend school and school functions in the approved uniforms noted below. High standards are expected of the students in terms of their personal appearance and dress. Extremes in hairstyle, makeup, or jewelry are not permitted. Dress #1 is required every Wednesday, and on special occasions as announced.
All students are expected to arrive at and depart from school in the correct school uniform, and to wear the uniform appropriately throughout the day. Items such as jackets, sweaters and vests that are not school issue must not be worn in classes. Students may not chew gum while in school uniform, school athletic clothing, or while on school-sponsored trips.
We appreciate parental support in ensuring that your child arrives at school properly attired. Please – no substitutions for uniform items.
Dress regulations
The school uniform (Dress #1) is worn while formally representing the school, on Wednesdays and for other special occasions. Classroom dress can be either Dress #1 or Dress #2 and is worn in all academic areas, except physical education. Excessive amounts of jewelry are not permitted while in uniform. Earrings must be small and simple, and no pins, buttons, chains, necklaces, or other decorations should be worn. All elements of the uniform are expected to be neat, clean and in good repair. Each student must have indoor uniform shoes and outdoor footwear suitable for the season.
The summer uniform may be worn from September to Thanksgiving and from May 1 to the end of term. Uniform shorts may be worn on Dress #1 Wednesdays only during this time. Full Dress #1 regulations apply at all times for special school functions. When a student is off campus but still in uniform, please ensure that it is worn properly (shirt tucked in, clean, etc.) as they are representing the school when out in the community.
Dress # 1 - Wednesday
Every Wednesday throughout the school year, as well as for school photo day and special occasions as directed. Please note: there is no #1 Dress for Junior Kindergarten students.
Senior Kindergarten to Grade 3:
● Navy Albert College tunic or skort, paired with navy Albert College vest
● Grey pants, paired with navy Albert College vest
● Navy shorts, paired with navy Albert College vest and knee socks
● White oxford shirt; long- or short-sleeved
● School tie (not for JK or SK)
● Navy knee socks/tights (no nylons) with tunic/skort or Bermuda shorts
● Navy ankle socks with pants
● Black belt
● Black shoes; polishable dress shoes. No boots, running shoes or heels. Velcro is permitted.
Grades 4 to 6:
● Navy kick pleat skirt, paired with navy Albert College vest
● Grey pants, paired with navy Albert College vest
● Navy Bermuda shorts, paired with navy Albert College vest and knee socks
● White oxford shirt; long- or short-sleeved
● School tie
● Navy knee socks/tights (no nylons) with skirt or Bermuda shorts
● Navy ankle socks with pants
● Black belt
● Black shoes; polishable dress shoes. No boots, running shoes or heels.
Dress # 2 - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Dress #2 is the students’ daily uniform. A combination of the following uniform pieces may be worn on Dress #2 days.
Junior Kindergarten:
● Navy skort, shorts or Albert College tunic
● Dark grey (not light, athletic grey) pull-on pants of your choice. Elastic waist is encouraged. No logos, patterns or markings.
● White or navy Albert College polo shirt; long- or short-sleeved
● Navy Albert College vest or navy Albert College tunic (to be worn for photo day with white polo shirt)
● No non-Albert College over clothes (hoodies, sweaters, etc.) are permitted indoors.
● Black shoes. All-black running shoes are permitted. Velcro is encouraged.
Senior Kindergarten to Grade 6:
● Navy Albert College tunic/skort/navy skirt
● Grey pants or navy Bermuda shorts
● White or navy Albert College polo shirt; short- or long-sleeved
● Navy Albert College vest/long-sleeved Albert College sweater
● Navy Albert College polar fleece sweater
● Black, polishable leather dress shoes. No boots, running shoes or heels, no high-tops
● No non-Albert College over clothes to be worn indoors
Athletic Wear (available at the Guild Shop)
The following uniform is to be worn by students in Grades 4 to 6 for Physical Education classes:
- Black gym shorts
- Grey Albert College athletic T-shirt
- White athletic socks
- Suitable athletic footwear
Junior School
Uniform Policy